Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Dear Dr. L.S. Weil,

In the twenty years I have been traversing the mazes of medical care, there have been a precious few encounters that measure up to the experience I had last month with you. There have been many who believed they were on top of their game, came highly recommended, splattered with publication, specialization, and honors. Most have schedules requiring weeks of advance booking, with fees to match. You, could teach all of them a thing or two, which, either they never knew or somehow lost along the way.

Thank you. ....for a bedside manner which still emotes curiosity, sensitivity and reasonable rationality... for language that clarified instead of dazzled and dazed...for treating me not only with sharpened professionalism but with kindness, consideration and wisdom you would offer a sister. Thank you for responses to my side-bar chatter, which gave me a glimpse of the man behind the white coat. I left your office informed and encouraged, determined to keep up the good fight, to take the next step, one slightly misaligned foot in front of the other. You delivered the best of what great healers have to offer. And while I know, you know, you are good at your art. You failed miserably the arrogance test.

Great men surround themselves with great subordinates. Every facet of my encounter with your support people; from making the appointment, registering at the desk, giving a history, standing for x-rays, getting copies, or asking follow up questions was handled with patience and professionalism, by individuals who actually felt like they cared enough to get it right and liked what they were doing. There was eye contact, civility, and a sense that one was more than a file or a case to be shuffled. I am still however, undecided about the waiting room. Which do I like best, Boy With Thorn, or cascading water walls? All round, through and through, a class act.

While I don't look forward to the proposed treatment plan, I am reassured and confident that the best man with a great team will be looking out for me.

With My Most Sincere Appreciation,

Mary (Woodstock, IL)

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