Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Bivalved Fiberglass Cast Compared With Plaster Splint Immobilization for Initial Management of Ankle Fracture-Dislocations: A Treatment Algorithm.

Another one of our physicians here at the Weil Foot & Ankle Institute, Dr. Jeffrey Baker, had a paper published in Foot and Ankle Specialist. His paper, which is entitled, "Bivalved Fiberglass Cast Compared With Plaster Splint Immobilization for Initial Management of Ankle Fracture-Dislocations: A Treatment Algorithm," was published in the May 9th, issue of Foot and Ankle Specialist. We have included the abstract below, but make sure you read the full article on our website or in the Foot and Ankle Specialist.

The initial management of ankle fracture-dislocations is the crucial step in the treatment of these emergent traumatic injuries. A stepwise approach is necessary to properly evaluate, diagnose, and treat ankle fracture-dislocations. The goal of initial management is to evaluate the vascular status of the extremity and then restore proper alignment of the talus underneath the tibia. A retrospective review was performed on 40 patients who presented to a community based hospital emergency room treated by the foot and ankle service with an ankle fracture-dislocation. An analysis of patient demographics, injury pattern/classification, number of reduction attempts, and immobilization method was performed and evaluated. This analysis was correlated with a review of the literature to develop an algorithm for the initial management of ankle fracture-dislocations recommending the use of a bi-valved below the knee fiberglass cast for maintained stabilization post reduction.

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