I think that we’ve been tricked here in Chicago. We started off with a beautiful early spring, and the weather was consistently in the upper 70s and 80s. Now it seems we can’t get a day above 70! Nevertheless, we all know that warmer weather is around the corner. As Dr. Weil Jr., noted in his previous blog post, for medical professionals at the Weil Foot and Ankle Institute, spring means the beginning of plantar fasciitis season. However, for most of us ladies, the beginning of warmer weather means that it’s time for us to start getting our feet primed and prepped regularly for open-toe shoe season.
As compared to many of our male counterparts, the amount of time and effort a lot of us women put into getting our feet as close to perfect as possible can seem downright unfair! There’s soaking and scrubbing, washing and massaging, clipping and filing, painting and moisturizing… There are also so many tools needed to get the job done! We use nail files and buffers, pumice stones and brushes, toenail clippers, cuticle clippers, foot scrubs, ointments, oils, lotions, corn pads and nail polish. I’ve even seen what I’m sure was a cheese grater and a machine that I swore you only used to sand uneven surfaces.
But can we help it? During the warmer months, all of the women’s magazines have articles and slide shows with catchy titles such as,“Fix Ugly Feet at Home,” and, “9 Easy Ways to Get Super Soft Feet Just in Time for Summer.” In these magazines we can find all of the great summer nail polish trends for our next pedicure, as well DIY options to make sure that when you’re caught in your open-toe sandals, you have nothing to worry about. The articles all basically remind us of one thing: Having “pretty” feet for the summer should not be an option, it should be a necessity.
Although many women would cite pedicures as relaxing midday or weekend treats, trips to the nail salon can be a hassle with long wait times, expensive prices and did I mention how much that pumice stone tickles?
It may seem that we go through unnecessary lengths just to get ourfeet “pretty” for the warmer months, but all of this effort is not in vain. I’m not just talking about the compliments that you get either. Getting proper, professional pedicures is actually good for the overall health of your feet. While a podiatrist should look at more serious foot problems such as bunions, hammertoes and infected, ingrown toenails, pedicures can actually play a part in the prevention and aid of some minor and aesthetic foot problems. According to Dr. Weil, Jr., “Pedicurists are trained to manage nails properly. They know how to cut them and the right shape to create because not all nails should be cut the same. Additionally, pedicurists have the proper instrumentation to handle more difficult nails, which are quite common.” Dr.Weil Jr. also notes that getting proper pedicures may be increasingly important for older men and women and those with medical conditions like diabetes. He states, “As we get older, it is more difficult for us to get our hands, and more importantly our eyes, to the level to properly cut a nail. By not being in the right place with our hands or eyes, we could cut the nail incorrectly. This could lead to ingrown toenails, infections, lacerations or wounds.” Pedicurists can also aid in the prevention of painful calluses and corns by sloughing off dead skin that accumulates on your feet over time.
So, as temperatures increase and you think about skipping out on the occasional pedicure because of the inconvenience or hassle that it may cause, remember that not only will pedicures make your feet look pleasing; they can also increase the overall health of your feet. We are constantly abusing our feet. Why not give them a bit of TLC once in a while?
For all of you men out there, you heard it from a doctor himself. Pedicures are good for everyone! Invest in one…just skip the nail polish if you want.
I know we’re ready for the open-toe shoe season here at the Weil Foot and Ankle Institute. Are you?
Are you looking for somewhere to get a professional pedicure? What better place to have one done than a podiatry clinic? The Weil Foot and Ankle Institute offers professional pedicure services throughout the week at our Des Plaines office. If you are in the area, stop by the clinic or call 847-390-7666 to set up your pedicure appointment today!